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What You Need To Know About Primers Being Used in Virginia Beach VA

As a homeowner in Virginia Beach VA, you might be tempted to skip the priming step, which could lead to a less satisfactory result. By taking the time to prime, you can ensure that your project looks beautiful and lasts for a long time. However, it’s important to note that not every situation requires priming, so it’s worth understanding when it is necessary and when it is not. Residential painting contractors in Virginia Beach can help you with this decision.

Why you might need a primer

Primer is a preparatory coating applied before paint to help it adhere better to the painted surface. It is useful when the surface is not suitable for paint or when the paint is likely to have problems sticking.

Where do you need it?

Raw unfinished wood. The porous nature of wood can make it difficult for paint to stick properly. A coat of primer will help fill in gaps and create a more even surface for the paint to adhere to.

Raw drywall. The drywall is highly absorbent and can suck up paint, causing it to look patchy and uneven. A coat of primer can help seal the surface and create a more even finish.

Masonry, such as concrete or brick. The rough, uneven texture of these surfaces can make it difficult for paint to stick, and a coat of primer can help create a smoother, more even surface.

A bare surface that is not porous. This can include metal or plastic surfaces, which can be slick and difficult for paint to adhere to.

Covering up stains, such as water stains or other types of discoloration. Stains can bleed through paint, causing it to look uneven and unsightly. A coat of primer can help block out these stains and create a more even finish.

Glossy or greasy surface. These types of surfaces can make it difficult for paint to stick, but a coat of primer can help create a surface that is more receptive to paint.

When priming isn’t necessary

Priming is unnecessary if there are no stains or marks on the walls. If the surface is clean and free of any imperfections, it can be painted without a primer. This is often the case in dining rooms or bedrooms, where the walls receive little wear and tear.

When the current and new colors closely match, priming is not necessary. If you’re painting over a surface that’s already been painted with a similar color, you can often skip the primer. The existing coat of paint will act as a base for the new color, and a primer is optional to achieve good adhesion.

If the interior painters paint over previously painted surfaces, they may not need to prime either. If the existing paint is in good condition and you’re using high-quality paint, you can often skip the primer. However, if the existing paint is flaking or peeling, you must remove it before applying a primer and a new coat of paint.

Don’t trust paint and primer combos

Paint manufacturers often market their products as a “paint and primer in one” solution, but this is a clever marketing tactic. Many consumers believe these products combine priming and painting in a single step. Still, they offer a different level of protection and durability than separate priming and painting products.

In most cases, these 2-in-1 solutions have a higher concentration of solids to make the paint thicker, so it can cover up the previous paint color. For the best results, it’s always better to use separate primer and paint products or hire a professional painting company that uses high-quality materials.

Searching Painters Near Me?

Looking for a reliable and experienced team of professionals to bring your home renovation dreams to life? Look no further than Hughes Painting in Virginia Beach VA! Whether you’re looking to update your kitchen, remodel your bathroom, or add a new room to your home, these interior painters have your back.

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