Power Washing
Power washing not only improves the look of your home, it also revives your paint or vinyl siding. We recommend power washing the exterior of your home every third year to extend the life of your paint job. Hughes Painting, Inc. utilizes a process that is not done by using pressure, but by chemicals. The chemicals that we use are environmentally friendly, and the process will clean the dirt, grime and surface mold and mildew. It can also be a wise decision to power wash your house prior to putting it on the market. This will improve your curb appeal and bump up the sales price.
Owning a home is major investment, but consistent and quality maintenance and care will ensure that your home retains its value while keeping it looking and feeling like home. Power washing is an important facet of keeping your home fresh as old paint can damage the exterior of your house, and normal buildup simply from being outdoors is a good way for decks and docks to deteriorate much more quickly than they should.
If you believe it's time for your Virginia Beach, VA, house to undergo a rejuvenating power washing call or email Hughes Painting, Inc. today for a free quote or to schedule your project, and we'll be sure our years of professional expertise leaves your home with a youth that will last for many years to come.
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