Back to School Interior Painting – Now’s the Time!
Summer is a fun time for families to spend time together. With children home from school, it is a season of play, exploration, activity and discovery. However, every summer eventually comes to an end. When the kids go back to school, it is time for parents to get back to business. This can start with a fall painting session to refresh your interior design.
Getting Back to the Basics
As much fun as it is for kids to be home all summer, many parents find that having the kids around the house all the time can be rough on the decor. Because of this, many parents find that their interior design has taken a serious hit by the time the kids are back in school. Perhaps some items have been broken. It is also possible that furniture has been nicked, frayed or worn down. Many times, the paint job has been banged around due to increased activity within the house.
As kids are getting back to the basics, it is time for your interior design to get back to the basics as well. This can start with interior painting. Most other projects are harder to start, but interior painting is affordable and provides a comprehensive overhaul for your interior design.
Fall Back Into Style
If you think that painting sounds like a good way to end your summer, then you should think carefully about your project. You should consider how many rooms you want to have repainted. You could think about tackling one or two rooms. You could also try to give the entire house a facelift with projects in every room.
Then, it is important to think about your style preferences. Paint color is an excellent way to redefine a room. You can opt for bold colors for a dramatic statement. You can soften your decor with pastels. Neutrals can create a relaxing space that allows your other pieces to pop. It is best to think about your paint choices in the context of the rest of your home. For larger projects, you can even coordinate numerous colors to create an entire mood throughout your home.
Painting Experts in Virginia Beach VA
If you are thinking about interior painting in Virginia Beach VA, then you should consider Hughes Painting Inc. There are other companies that may offer back to school painting specials this year, but here are some reasons to consider us.
- Locally owned and operated
- Fully licensed and insured
- Team members who are background checked
- Free estimates
- Precision results
- Satisfaction guaranteed
These reasons are just the start. When you contact us for your back to school redesign, we will work with you to pick the best paint colors for any space. We still have openings for the fall season, but you should act fast. Our slots are filling up fast!
Therefore, for your back to school painting, please contact Hughes Painting Inc. right away.
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