The 10 Best-Painted Buildings in Washington D.C.
No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, we can all agree the 4th of July is cause for celebration. Not only is it the perfect time to enjoy our beautiful country in the summer, it’s also a time to reflect on the founders of our nation. In celebration, Hughes Painting, Inc. looks to the helm of our nation and the 10 Best-Painted Buildings in Washington D.C.
10. Tudor Place
An impressive feat, the sandy tones of the exterior of this 1816 garden house perfectly connects it to the lush greenscapes that surround it.
9. Mount Vernon Estate
Our nation’s very first commander in chief called this place home. A true classic of southern elegance, this massive estate shows off rustic coloring with a clean white exterior, dark green shutters, and an outstanding red roof.
8. The National Building Museum
A structure devoted to recognizing structures, this building has some big shoes to fill. Its red brick exterior coupled with the vast interior full of color-matched pillars makes this building the shoes others need to fill!
7. Eisenhower Executive Office Building
Originally considered an eyesore, the former State, War, and Navy Building is now a center of offices for White House staff. The white trim on the outside of the grey stone building is the perfect way to invite guests into the classically painted interior.
6. Frederick Douglass National Historic Site
A proprietary of the Civil Rights movement, Douglass’ estate invites visitors with a warm, grey exterior, white trim, and a red tin roof.
5. International Spy Museum
With little to be said about the exterior of the Museum, it has the perfect facade for luring people unsuspectingly into a masterfully painted, lit, and decorated world of mystery and intrigue.
4. Ashburton House
A true colonial testament, the Ashburton House saw the resolutions of Canada-America border tensions. Its pale yellow exterior with white trim perfectly showcases the four-story building. Not too far from Virginia Beach, VA!
3. Blind Whino SW Arts Club
An exterior that commands attention, this Cathedral built in 1886 showcases art, color, and passion. An event venue and art gallery, someone sirely took extreme measures to paint this interesting building.
2. U.S. Capitol Building
An emblem of freedom, the famous domed building holds the honor of housing the American Congress’ paramount decision-making sessions. Obviously encapsulating a theme of white on the outside, the inside is covered with murals that could rival any gallery in the world.
1. The White House
Hughes Painting, Inc.’s favorite D.C. paint job and America’s most famous building for over 2 centuries, the white house takes over 570 gallons (~$20,000!!) of that precious white paint to touch up the exterior! Would you want your Virginia Beach, VA, home to be 55,000 square feet?
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