10 Things to Know When Hiring a Home Painting Contractor in Virginia
A new paint job can transform your home into a completely new place if done correctly! It can also make it look much newer and fresher. This applies to both exterior painting and interior painting. When it’s that time to get painting, here are 10 things that you need to know when hiring a painting contractor in Virginia Beach VA
Specify the Work
When you get a quote, ensure that you’re as detailed as possible about what you want. If you know the type of paint you want, the size of the rooms that need to be painted, and all other applicable details, you will get the most accurate quote without any surprises. Feel free to ask if there’s any additional information that can help provide an accurate quote.
Get Quotes
Just like anything else, you want to shop around before hiring a painter. Get multiple quotes from multiple companies. It’s best to get the quotes in writing to ensure that the company sticks to that price. It’s important to remember that price isn’t the only thing that matters when making a decision, though.
What is the Proposed Painting Process?
Check the details of what the contractor will do for each surface to be painted. Some painters do things differently than others. Talk to the painter about how they will go about completing the job in detail. You can compare the process with the other companies to help you pick which company will get the job done the way that you want. You can also ask if the company will do things that way that you prefer if they do it differently.
How Will Your Possessions Be Protected?
Your personal items could potentially fall victim to a paint spill or other injury during the painting process. How does the company plan to keep everything protected for you? What will happen if something does get ruined? Be sure to advise of anything in particular that you are worried about so that the painting contractor can plan accordingly and take the appropriate precaution.
Time to Complete the job
You need to know when the work will be started and finished. Get clearly stated dates in the contract. Everyone knows, though, that these things can take longer than anticipated. What will happen if this is the case during this project? As a piece of advice, if you do need the work done by a specific date, be sure to plan well in advance just in case it takes longer.
Is there a warranty on the work?
Many painting companies offer a warranty, but not all warranties are equal. A warranty is a guarantee that the job will hold up to a certain standard for a certain amount of time. How long does your painting warranty last? Does it cover the paint only, or does it also cover the labor? Are there any situations that it might not be covered?
Don’t be afraid to ask for the names of previous customers. Every business should be able to provide the names of customers who can vouch for a job well done. Of course, you can also look into online reviews on websites like Yelp, Google, and Angie’s List.
Professional Presentation
Despite it being a messy job, the painting contractor should look professional when you’re speaking to him about the job. Sure, you can’t expect them to arrive in a suit and a tie, but they should look clean. More important than how they look is how they act. Are they speaking appropriately? Are they organized? Are they nice? You will have to work with this person for the duration of the job, so make sure it’s someone that you can speak with comfortably.
A contractor that wants your business will go out of their way to respond to phone calls diligently and arrive to meetings on time. Tardiness is unforgivable in a business relationship. Also, if they don’t respond to your phone calls in the beginning, they might not respond to your phone calls during the job.
Arguably the most important aspect of the job, you want to see quality results when everything is completed. You also want the work to stand up in time. Some companies attempt to save money by skimping on the quality of the paint that they use or hiring people who don’t have the necessary skillset. Insist on quality paint and workers to get the job done. This is not an area that you want to skimp on. You may end up regretting it later.
Transform your home with a new paint job, but don’t allow for unnecessary hassle by picking the wrong company. Before you hire a contractor, go through this list to make sure that you are on the same page. It will help everything go smoothly.
If you need a skilled home painter, considering working with Hughes Painting. Hughes Home Painting crews tackle projects in Virginia Beach and surrounding areas.
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